
  • 10-Minute Band Strength Workout

    Do you ever start a workout program and abandon it after a week or two? Or do you start the year off by going to the gym and working out an hour and by February you have “fallen off track” and never return to the gym? So many resolutions start out with good intentions and […]

  • 5 Moves for a Stronger Core

    Strengthening the core is paramount for overall physical well-being and functional fitness. The core, encompassing muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis, serves as the body’s powerhouse, providing stability and support for everyday activities. Why it is important to build strength in your core A strong core not only improves posture and reduces the […]

  • Mini Ball Workout

    Change it up! I LOVE changing up my workouts, so I do not get bored, it helps me stay consistent with moving my body. I bought this exercise ball and I think my kids have used it more than I have, but if you don’t want to buy a ball, you can totally use a […]

  • 5 Moves for a Stronger Core

    Strengthen your mid-section! I love working my mid-section by focusing on the front and back.  Many times we think we need to just work out abs and define them into a six-pack, but that is all wrong!  So much of our strength comes from the back and booty, and by spending a little time strengthening […]